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2012 State of the Future CD
Product Description
The 2012 State of the Future is a concise, readable overview of the global situation, problems, solutions, and prospects for the future. The CD has about 10,000 pages and includes most of The Millennium Project's 16 years of cumulative research and methods. Chapter 1 covers the global landscape with regional considerations through 15 global challenges facing humanity -- such as energy, food, science & technology, ethics, development, water, organized crime, health, decisionmaking, gender relations, demographics, war & peace, and others. Other Chapters are: - State of the Future section -- covering 16 years of research and analysis for developing an index for quantitative assessment of the data and developments impacting the state of the future - Global and regional scenarios - Governance-Related Studies - Concepts for building Collective Intelligence systems - Governance-related studies - Environmental security studies - Various aspects for improving futures research activities and and implementation It is an ideal resource for busy executives, thought leaders, corporate strategic planners, public policy experts, policy advisors, non-profit issues organizations, teachers and professors of world issues, and anyone interested in a global overview of our prospects for the future â with discussions of problems and potential solutions.
39.95 USD