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Actualize Your Vision
Product Description
Do you find it difficult getting things done? Or do you wish to stay focused on a set of goals that you want to achieve? Are you confused and not sure of the next path to take in your life? Then you should get the book âActualize Your Visionâ. This will serve as a motivator and guide to help you shape you mind set and forge ahead in life. Michael Olusolabelieves that a lot of people have not discovered their paths in life and they are only living for survival. Time distinguishes the person who lives within the scope of his vision from the one who doesnât. This book was written for anyone who has a dream, an idea or a burning passion. It clearly describes how to set goals for the future and achieve them. It has been said that 80% of people never set goals for themselves and out of the remaining 20% who set goals, only a fraction are able to achieve those goals.
2.99 USD