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Aerwyna 9
Sold and Delivered by - RICHEARTHJEWELRY
Product Description
AERWYNA [rey-wee-nah] means friend of the ocean.
Rich Earth Jewelry and non-profit organization, Save Philippine Seas, are collaborating in an effort to make a difference for Mother Earth. Rich Earth Jewelry's Aerwyna Collection is proud to showcase Artwear pieces fit for a noblewoman. The collection's color palette consists of shades of natural blues and rich greens, lines that encapsulate the ocean's waves in motion, gold like the sun, glistening over the sea on a beautiful summer afternoon. The Aerwyna Artwear pieces evoke a strong sense of style with substance that is of distinction.
Proceeds from this Collection will be for the benefit of Save Philippine Seas' projects and campaigns.
Aerwyna Artwear Pieces promote:
Social Responsibility
7.71 USD