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Bulk 100% Natural Lemon Peel Powder for DIY Aromatherapy Soap Fragrance (2.2 lb)
Sold and Delivered by - OK-OR
Product Description
Get bulk dried ground lemon peel powder for aromatherapy DIY candle and soap making projects! This bulk powder is from 100% natural lemon peel and ground into a fine powder, puts off a wonderful fragrance for your home project!
This natural powder is finely ground high quality dried dehydrated lemon peels which have been organically and sustainably grown and harvested and contains no essence or extract fragrances, it is 100% natural!
This item is a single bulk sized 2.2 lb / 1 KG bags, ideal for multiple batches of rosemary or rosemary and mixed fragrance aromatherapy projects at the DIY/homemade crafting level.
11.25 USD