- Advertising Services 207
- Beauty 70
- Clothing & Accessories 369
- Educational Services 1135
- Electronics (Accessories) 148
- Fashion Jewelry 256
- Fine Art 36
- Luggage & Travel 17
- Media (Books, Movies, and Music) 910
- Memberships 180
- Pet Shops, Pet Food, and Supplies 29
- Professional Services 273
- Publishing and Printing 153
- Shoes, Handbags & Sunglasses 33
- Software & Computer Services 634
- Toys & Games 196
- Other 1760
Business Producer Advisory Sessions: 10 session package
Product Description
Business producer advisory sessions (ten 1.5 hr. sessions) will hone in on answers to bring outside experienced perspective to make tough choices: * Hiring & firing * Project management * Systems, Time Efficiencies, Organizational Think-Through * Cost Efficiencies & Financial Reviews * Streamlined Operations * Internal & External Audits: are your teams and your audience fulfilled? * Marketing Outreach & Collateral * Sales Training, Systems, Corrections * Financial Re-evaluations and Corrections * Programs to Maintain Life Balance if You're Consumed by Work Allison Bliss Consulting merges lessons learned making movies from the Director's perspective with managing business from the CEO or Owner's perspective. The lessons of excellence are the same: balancing management, finance and marketing to bring one's vision to fruition while building profits. Allison brings 30 years of filmmaking management lessons (on over ten thousand projects) to her 20 years managing and advising business owners to realize increased profits while maintaining their Director's role of holding the vision. She's seen it all from movie star panic attacks to coordinating helicopter choreographed filming over the Bay to creative product rollouts for successful companies. Allison brings her wealth of experience, compassion, tools and resources to finding answers for your company. If you need help with those tough choices, breakthroughs to your stumbling blocks, or just a creative new perspective, call to schedule: 510-879-7600. These 1.5 hr. sessions will inspire and solve issues or create marketing strategies to get you back on track.