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Communication Studies SBA Workshop
Sold and Delivered by - JADEGIBBONS246
Product Description
Four sessions that will take students through the four sections of the Communication Studies SBA. These interactive sessions will combine creative delivery methods with practical exercises so that students come away with the foundations of a workable project. Sessions will be held every Saturday in October 2018.
6th October- The Reflective Piece
Creativity isn't taught, it's INSPIRED! This session will unearth the creative ability you never knew you had. We will explore all three literary genres to help you understand the conventions of each and discover which is your strength.
13th October- The Analytical Essay
Who better to critique your Reflective piece than you? Building on the previous session, we will look at how to analyse creative works for their use of register, dialectal variation, attitude to language and communicative behaviours.
20th October- The Expository Speech
What is the key theme addressed in your piece? What topical issue does it highlight? What do others have to say about this topic? This session will focus on data collection & oral presentation skills. We will look at how to find, evaluate and discuss source material.
27th October- General Introduction & Preface
Now that all the hardwork is over, let's tie it all together. What did you accomplish from doing this portfolio? How does it relate to your interests? Who do you think could benefit from reading your Reflective piece? This session will help you answer these questions.
300 USD