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Cream for butts and hip enhancement
Product Description
FEG Cream is Suitable For:
1. Loss of volume after breastfeeding
2. Enhance size of small breasts
3. Lifting of low breasts
4. Balance of asymmetrical breasts
5. To enlarge hips and butts
The FEG breast and butt enhancement cream works by combining several well-known herbal extracts. These contain active properties which are absorbed when the cream is applied twice daily.
Designed to follow the same kind of process which happens to the body during puberty, during which time the breasts develop and also during pregnancy when the breasts enlarge naturally. The body produces estrogen during these phases which leads to an increase in breast tissue and therefore volume and firmness.
Unfortunately, after pregnancy and during normal stages in life, the breast may lose volume or may not have developed to its fullest potential. This can lead to breasts lacking volume, lift, fullness and firmness. Results vary and as such if you do not get a noticeable improvement within 14 days we will happily refund 100% of the product cost. This is how confident we are with the FEG cream!.
100 USD