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- Other 1760
D3 based HTML Table
Sold and Delivered by - PATHTRACKER
Product Description
This HTML Table Widget provides following aditional features (Excel like) over plain HTML table.
- Search
- Sort
- Column re-sizing
- export as image
- Import CSV file for data
- Show/Hide table
- Show complete row data on click
- Zoom
There is no need for you to code for these features. It allows you to integrate your data and also make configuration changes with a few steps.
The code provided along with documentation would help you to add new features for your usecase.
The project aim is to provide a dynamic table UI based on SVG which works on all modern browsers(see support) and mobile devices.
It uses D3 API (link)
The code is written primarily in typescript(link) and javascript.
One month support is free.This would include help with using the table with your website and fixing any issues.
It is also ideal for learning d3.js and setting up a typescript project.
Additional support would cost 5$ per month. This would include help with using the table with your website and fixing any issues.
15 USD