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EW110 - RF Fundamentals - Crane, Indiana (15-16 April 2019)
Product Description
15-16 April 2019 (2 Days) Crane, Indiana Instructor: Dr. Patrick Ford
EW 110 provides the foundation needed for a working understanding of radio frequency (RF) fundamentals, from an introduction to the RF spectrum through propagation mechanisms and environmental impacts. The course also surveys propagation modeling techniques and modern RF operating trends.
Course Topics:
-- The RF Spectrum -- Decibals -- Antenna Types and Performance Parameters -- Coaxial Cables and Waveguides -- Propagation Mechanisms -- Environmental Impacts -- Survey of Propagation Modeling Methods -- Modern RF Operating Trends
$1,195.00 per student / 15 students minimum
Payment terms: Payment due 30 days prior to commencement of training.
For concerns/questions, please contact Dr. Patrick Ford at telephone 509-707-3111 or via email at training@erevno.com.
Privacy Statement: None of your information will be shared outside of Erevno Aerospace; all information provide will be used solely in support of your training request/order.
1195 USD