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Editing and Proofreading
Sold and Delivered by - SCRIBE
Product Description
Ask yourself these four questions:
1. How should you punctuate bulleted lists?
2. In a heading, which words should have a capital letter?
3. Is it okay to "split an infinitive"? (And just what's an infinitive anyway?)
4. Was it okay to start the previous sentence with "and"?
It's hard enough making these decisions when you're editing your own work isn't it? If you're responsible for editing the work of others, it can be a nightmare.
Everyone you ask will have opinions. Often, though, no one will be able to justify these opinions with anything more convincing than "When I was at school my teacher said ...".
This e-book will provide you with two very important things:
1. the knowledge with which to provide good and justifiable answers to these (and similar) questions; and
2. the skills with which to apply this knowledge to practical situations in your workplace.
Editing and Proofreading comes with a 30-day, money-back guarantee.
12.95 USD