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Product Description
EstatePL helps you gather pertinent facts and documents for Estate Planning Clients.
This exercise takes anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes for a typical client to complete and covers the following topics:
1. Client Information (including contact information and employment) 2. Spousal/Partner Information (including contact information and employment) 3. Family Relations (including children and extended family like siblings and grandchildren) 4. Assets (including stock/bonds, savings/checking accounts, and real estate) 5. Liabilities (including mortgages, loans, and support orders) 6. Benefits (including pensions and profit-shares) 7. Other Property Issues (including property of others and funeral arrangements)
EstatePL remains the exclusive property of Biin Online.
For Inquiries www.biin.online
Privacy We are aware of the sensitivity of the information that you may be asked to provide by EstatePL. For this reason, your responses subsist only for the duration of the interaction with the app. EstatePL does not store user responses ever.
72.19 USD