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Hands on Hips 1, Kilim Motif
Product Description
Long descriptionElibelinde (Turkish for “hands on hips”) is a motif of a hands-on-hips female figure. It is widely used on kilims (flat tapestry-woven carpets) and occurs in many variations. The arms of the figure are represented by two inward-facing hooks, while the body of the woman is represented by a triangle or diamond. The head is typically represented by a diamond. The Elibelinde is a symbol of fertility and motherhood. It is one of many kilim motifs commonly woven into Turkish flatweave rugs. Downloadable File Information Instant Digital Download: 7 JPG, 1 ZIP included Materials: Each JPG is high-resolution (300 dots per inch), which will get you very clean, clear prints. 1. Print File 11×14″ (28×35,5 cm) 2. Print File (4:5 ratio) 4×5″, 8×10″, 12×15″, 16×20″ 10×12 cm, 20×25 cm, 30×38 cm, 40×50 cm 3. Print File (square) 20×20″ (50×50 cm) 4. Print File (3:4 ratio) 6×8″, 9×12″, 12×16″, 15×20″, 18×24″ 15×20 cm, 22×30 cm, 30×40 cm, 38×50 cm, 45×60 cm 5. Print File (International paper size) 5″x7″ (13×18 cm), A5, A4, A3, A2, 19.6×27.5″ (50×70 cm) 6. Print File (2:3 ratio) 4×6″, 6×9″, 8×12″, 10×15″, 12×18″, 16×24″, 20×30″, 24×36″ 10×15 cm, 20×30 cm, 30×45 cm, 40×60 cm, 50×76 cm, 61×91 cm 7. Print File 28×39″ (70×100 cm)
5.2 USD