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Kids Sewing Bee
Product Description
In this weekly workshop you will build confidence and work on a variety of sewing projects. We will cover:
Week 1: Practice with your sewing machine. We will learn sewing straight and curved lines as well as a spiral square and finish this day with the 'Sewing Machine Driving Test'.
Week 2: Make yourself a lovely bag for your toy, shopping or beach visits.
Week 3: Love to help in the kitchen? Well, you'll need an apron for that. Sew your own apron.
Week 4: Twirl with the Thread Thief! Learn how to sew yourself a skirt.
Level: Beginner (never used a sewing machine)
Course Length: 4 sessions of 2 hours
Materials required: All provided
Price: AED 800 per person
You will learn how to sew straight lines and finish your projects with zig zag stitches. We will also cover the basis of gathering and hemming. All fabrics and notions are provided. I will cut the fabric for all projects and all major ironing tasks are handle by me.
Course is suitable for children (age 8 years and above). Maximum capacity per workshop is 4 children.
326.73 USD