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Lessons in Teaching Arabic Phonetics to non-native speakers
Sold and Delivered by - ARABICFORALL
Product Description
Phonetics’ book offers to students:
Thirty lessons present Arabic sounds in different ways.
Exercises on Arabic pronunciation and distinguishing them when they are heard.
A large number of minimal pairs to practice phonetic differentiation.
A large number of Quranic verses to practice phonetic dismantling.
Phonetics book offers teachers:
Lessons (Benefits/ tips) in teaching of Arabic phonetics from both sides: theoretical and applied.
Lessons in the agreement and difference in the place of articulation and in the well-known qualities between two phonemes (target and alternative).
Instructions that leave no need for a separate teacher's book.
Instructions on how to teach phonetics in general.
Instructions on how to present phonetics lessons.
Instructions on how to conduct phonetics exercises.
Of the latest specialized educational products of Applied Linguistics (Phonetics).
12 USD