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Luxurious Treatment +
Sold and Delivered by - ARGANZAPRO
Product Description
The Arganza Luxurious Treatment+ includes the ultimate 360 holistic hair care to provide you the best scalp and hair treatment. Arganza products are based on advanced formulas with the highest quality ingredients, with NO Parabens and Sodium Chloride (salt), and are all enriched with natural Argan Oil & Protective Keratin, both are well known for their rich and unique components.
The Arganza Luxurious Treatment+ revitalizes your hair and scalp instantly with outstanding results after each use, and provides your hair perfect balanced cleaning, moisturizing, finishing and style, making it luxurious, elegant, shiny, soft, manageable, and smells amazing.
The Arganza Luxurious Treatment+ includes the following products: shampoo, conditioner and serum.
51.99 USD