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Malice in Underland
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Product Description
by Louis Armand
ISBN 0-9578114-7-0 (poetry). 96pp.
Published: 2003
Publisher: Textbase, Melbourne
Armand is very much interested in the contemporary, and in this book he presents his reader with a bruising entourage of scenes, images and juxtapositions wrenched from combinations of everyday urban life and ideas
--Michael Aikin, Cordite
The suggestion, the promise of a narrative seems implicit in Armands work. ...As though each piece were a test of memory, a referential work out, a game. This is played out, played at, most obviously in the use of ... found images, the dismembered signifiers of the everyday. Uncannily familiar faces with blacked out eyes reminiscent of crime scene news reels ...
--Nicole Tomlinson
Louis Armand is director of the InterCultural Studies programme in the Philosophy Faculty of Charles University, Prague. His books include Solicitations: Essays on Criticism & Culture; Techne: James Joyce, Hypertext & Technology; and Incendiary Devices: Discourses of the Other.
4.51 USD