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Manual Cream Separator Motor Sich 100-09
Sold and Delivered by - 2SMALLFARM
Product Description
Manual cream separator Motor Sich 80-09
This cream separator is made mainly from metal. Drum and disks are made from aluminum. It has capacity 80-100 liters per hour. With this device you can separate milk of cow, goat, sheep, camel and others. Make cream, sour cream and low fat milk at home.
Full specifications Capacity: 80-100 liters/hour Power supply: Hand-operated Number of disks: 12 Milk container (bowl) capacity: 12 liters Max. fat content in skimmed milk: 0,05 % Cream/skimmed milk proportion range: 1:4 – 1:10 Material: Aluminum Milk container (bowl) material: Aluminum alloy Float chamber material: Aluminum alloy Outlets material: Aluminum alloy Body material: Painted steel Milk container (bowl) diameter: 36,5 cm Brand: Motor Sich Length: 36,5 cm Width: 36,5 cm Height: 52 cm How much cream you can get?From 10 liters of milk you will get about 1 liter of cream. The cream will have 10 times more fat than your milk. It means that if your milk has 3,2% you will get cream with 32% of fat. If you need cream with less content of fat you can mix it with low fat milk which you get during separation. It is recommended to wash the plates inside the drum after every 20-25 liters (two bowls) of milk.
100 USD