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Mind Factory
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Product Description
ed. Louis Armand
ISBN 80-7308-104-0. (paperback) 340pp.
Published: December 2005
Slavoj �i�ek
The De-Sublimated Object of Post-Ideology
Ben Goertzel
Quantum Minds
Ivan Havel
At Home in Vesm�r
Louis Armand
Affective Intelligence & the Human Hypothesis
Donald F. Theall
From the Cyberglobal Chaosmos to the Gutenberg Galaxy
Arthur Bradley
The Letter Giveth
Simon Critchley & Tom McCarthy
Universal Shylockery
Darren Tofts
Mind Games
McKenzie Wark
Gregory L. Ulmer
Choramancy: A User�s Guide
Andrew Mitchell
Torture & Photography
Arthur & Marilouise Kroker
Zoe Beloff
Natalija A. & Eva C.
Jane Lewty
Syntonic Desire
Mind Factory explores a mosaic of ideas and practices currently surrounding the question of cognition, mind, literacy, autopoiesis and tele-technologies, and how these define a contemporary "human condition." Essays included in this volume address a range of subjects from the Abu Ghraib torture photographs, brain implants and behavioural control, to the possibility of quantum minds and machine intelligence, to the technicity of faith, sintonic desire, ideoplastic materialisation and psychic geographies.
Louis Armand is director of the InterCultural Studies programme in the Philosophy Faculty of Charles University, Prague. His books include Solicitations: Essays on Criticism & Culture; Techne: James Joyce, Hypertext & Technology; and Incendiary Devices: Discourses of the Other.
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