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Miniature golf guide
Sold and Delivered by - BACKYARDMINIGOLF
Product Description
What we offer you in �How to Build and Operate a Profitable Miniature Golf Course Pack� is the design of 25 unique miniature golf holes, compliant with the World Minigolf Federation recommendations, and several sample layouts to choose from. All that is accompanied with step by step guide/manual how to build and construct your miniature golf course on a very tight budget. Also is included the complete guide for successful and profitable operation of a miniature golf course. There are plans and working drawings, photos and diagrams - everything necessary to get a miniature golf business off of the ground and running it efficiently. All you need is to obtain the construction permits from your local authority and hire a construction crew to build the miniature golf course, using our hole designs and course layout plans. If you prefer you can submit our AutoCAD files to your architect and landscape specialist to modify them to suite your needs best, but you will incur additional charges from them
49 USD