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OWL - Monthly Subscription
Sold and Delivered by - HTECHSOLUTIONS
Product Description
H Tech Solutions will setup and manage an OWL account for every user in your small or medium enterprise.
This service includes:
1) Microsoft Office Suite which includes:
2) Office Web Apps
3) Cloud-based e-mail account
4) Shared calendar
5) Anti-spam filtering
6) 50 GB mailbox
7) Team site for sharing files
8) 25 GB of personal file storage
9) Public website
10) Instant messaging
11) Audio and video conferencing
12) PC-to-PC calling
13) Social networking with Yammer
14) Access via mobile devices including Windows Phone, iOS, and Android
15) 24x7 support
The price covers the management of up to 5 devices per license.
Once you have signed up for the service, you will be contacted via e-mail with instructions on how to download and install the software required.
Customers who subscribe to this service are making a minimum 12 month commitment, even if the payments are made monthly.
32 USD