- Advertising Services 207
- Beauty 70
- Clothing & Accessories 369
- Educational Services 1135
- Electronics (Accessories) 148
- Fashion Jewelry 256
- Fine Art 36
- Luggage & Travel 17
- Media (Books, Movies, and Music) 910
- Memberships 180
- Pet Shops, Pet Food, and Supplies 29
- Professional Services 273
- Publishing and Printing 153
- Shoes, Handbags & Sunglasses 33
- Software & Computer Services 634
- Toys & Games 196
- Other 1760
Onetake WordPress Theme
Sold and Delivered by - HOOTHEMES
Product Description
Onetake is a one page HTML5 & CSS3 responsive business theme that displays all the essential features of your website on the home page.
The theme have a very interesting and useful concept by showing you concise information on a single page, and having there everything you need about that website and nothing more which is really good if you don't want to waste time and be effective instead. Onetake is a professional and outstanding responsive business One Page scroll WordPress Theme, which is based on Bootstrap 3 & Font Awesome 4, Theme has fullscreen background with video support from YouTube ( video background for homepage sections ) and Awesome Slider. You can create a single-page-style front page for your WordPress site with autogenerated content and JavaScript scroll navigation or personal blog.
39.95 USD