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Orchids of Trinidad & Tobago by Julian Kenny
Sold and Delivered by - MEPPUBLISHERS
Product Description
âAs we sat in a meadow beside one of the lakes, he pointed out a small, almost leafless plant amongst the grass. It was an orchid ...â
There are 200 or so orchid species in Trinidad and Tobago. Some are a common sight, sprouting happily on telephone poles. But others are known only through a single specimen discovered in the wild by Julian Kenny.
The rarest and the most familiar of these flowers are both displayed here in over 100 colour photographs taken by Professor Kenny over 50 years. Orchids of Trinidad and Tobago will delight the serious collector and grower as much as the admirer of natural beauty.
Julian Kenny is a former professor of zoology at the Trinidad campus of the University of the West Indies. His previous books include Views from the Ridge: Exploring the Natural History of Trinidad and Tobago (2000), Flowers of Trinidad and Tobago (2006) and The Bio-diversity of Trinidad and Tobago (2008), all published by Prospect Press.
64.48 USD