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Performance Planning For Managers LearnBytes
Sold and Delivered by - BACALASSOCIATES
Product Description
One of the major reasons performance management and performance appraisals fail is that too much time is spent appraising performance using vague criteria, and not enough time and effort put into helping the employee understand what his job is about, and the goals and objectives s/he is expected to achieve to be successful.
Not only do clear goals and objectives improve performance all year long, but when employee and manager are clear about what the employee is expected to do, and the results s/he is expected to produce, the employee review process becomes MUCH easier, and less stressful. We've put together a tool to help managers and employees do performance planning, goal and objective setting.
Performance Planning For Managers Helpcard
This 8.5 x 11 inch double sided card provides all the information you need to work with your employees to plan performance in advance, and set clear, measurable (usually) goals and objectives that the employee can use to guide his or her performance throughout the year. Further these goals and objectives are used as the reference points for performance review. Included on the card:
What Is Performance Planning?
Purposes and Benefits
By The End of Performance Planning
Getting It Done Right (including preparing for and conducting the performance planning meeting)
Process Tips
9.95 USD