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Professional Kit
Sold and Delivered by - FLOWERMAKINGTOOLS
Product Description
1) Pattern And Instruction
2) Boule-sphere 0.99 In. (25mm)
3) Boule-sphere 0.79 In. (20mm)
4) Boule-sphere 0.70 In. (18mm)
5) Boule-sphere 0.59 In. (15mm)
6) Boule-sphere 0.39 In. (10mm)
7) Boule-sphere 0.23 In. (6mm)
8) Boule-sphere 0.15 In. (4mm)
9) Boule-sphere 0.08 In. (2mm)
10) Cone
11) Single Knife
12) Double Knife
13) Hook For Leaves
14) Draw Plate For Thin Petal With 5 Different Openings
15) Extra Ball 1.18 In. (30 mm)
16) Extra Ball 1.58 In. (40mm)
17) Soldering Iron 40watt With Metal Tip
18) Tweezers Straight For Curling Petals
19) Silk Tape Green
20) Silk Tape White
21) Powder Paint «Bright Yellow»
22) Powder Paint «Green»
23) Powder Paint «Purple»
24) Floristic Wire In Paper â24 White
25) Floristic Wire In Paper â24 Green
26) Pre-Starched Viscose-Silk (Light Green)
27) Pre-Starched Poplin (White)
28) Floristic Glue Special
29) Clip-Fixing
30) Sponge soft (Floristic Pad)
127 USD