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Progressive Discipline For Addressing Performance Problems
Sold and Delivered by - BACALASSOCIATES
Product Description
One of the most uncomfortable things managers have to do is address performance problems and problem employees. There's no way around it. It's probably going to remain uncomfortable. However, progessive discipline can help, because the basic principle behind the way we have described it in this helpcard is that the least possible force and negative consequences should be used to get the performance problem address.
This helpcard approaches progressive discipline in a slightly different way, suggesting that the process should be started early on, and not when the only options are punishment and/or termination.
Three levels of progressive discipline are explained step by step, so you can try to work cooperatively with employees before having to impose consequences upon them.
What's Included?
This 8.5 x 11 inch two sided card explains how managers can use progressive discipline to create better performance, or to work towards eliminating the performance problem through other means.
Here's a summary of the sections:
What Is Progressive Discipline
What Progressive Discipline Isn't
Progressive Discipline Step-By-Step
Level 1 - Identification and Cooperation
Level 2 - Cooperative Consequences Added
Level 3 - Unilateral Consequences
The Level 3 Meeting/DiscussionVery Important!
Previewing and Purchasing:
Please keep in mind that helpcards are short, tightly written 8.5 x 11 inch cards meant to be used on the job. If you are looking for longer book length information, we suggest you also consider our book offerings on performance management and appraisal.
9.95 USD