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Report Writing
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Product Description
It's not enough to just start writing a report with no real idea of where you're going. Before you start, you need to answer questions like:
* Who am I writing for?
* Why do have to write this report? (What are its objectives?)
* How much will my readers understand? (How much don't they know?)
* How much do they want from me? (One page or 20?)
Even with these questions answered, there's much more you need to consider:
* Why should I always prepare an outline first?
* What if my readers each want something different?
* How do I motivate my readers to read the report, not skip it?
* Am I writing a report or a proposal, and does it really matter? (Yes!)
* Where do I go to get the content for my report?
* What should be included in my report? (And what can be left out?)
* Why is the executive summary critical?
* What should be included in the background chapter?
* How do I write compelling conclusions and recommendations?
* How should I format the report to make it look professional?
All of these questions (and more) are answered in this clear and practical e-book. For only US$12.95, Report Writing will provide you with the skills you need to be able to write reports that get results.