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Rope Access Practitioner
Product Description
Rig working ropes, undertake rescues and perform a range of rope access tasks.
R 8 070.00 Exc.VAT
Who needs this courseAny person who has successfully completed the Rope Access Level 1 course and who would like to increase his scope of work as a rope access technician.
The rope access level 2 course is the stepping stone towards the rope access level 3 supervisor course.
Duration6 days of training and assessment
Minimum number of candidates
If you have ten (10) learners we can assist with your own training date. If you have fewer than 10 learners, please book on our annual training calendar.
Benefits of this trainingAfter successful assessment has been completed candidates will be able to:
Rig ropes for work and rescue situations using relevant knots.
Perform rope manoeuvres.
Perform rescues.
Maintain and inspect rope access equipment.
Demonstrate knowledge of worksite organisation.
Apply knowledge of the legal and safety requirements to different worksites.
Entry requirementsFirst Aid Level 1 (Valid)
Medical certificate
Certified Copy of ID
1000 logged hours Rope Access Level 1 Technician
Rope Access Technician Level 1 - US ID 230000 & 229998
NQF Level: 1
Credits: 2
546.58 USD