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Sold and Delivered by - 247FITNESS
Product Description
Range of motion limiter allows users to set start and end points for safety and comfort
Adjustable for hip flexion/extension and abduction/adduction movements
Entire upper portion slides vertically on linear bearings to adjust pivot point for users of different heights
Adjustable pad for various exercises
Non-skid platform
Incremental 3.5 and 6.5 lb (1.58 & 2.9 kg) micro-loading adjustments
Cold rolled steel weight stacks with noise dampening
Stainless steel guide rods resist rust and stay smooth
Kevlar belts for quiet, smooth action and optimal tensile strength; belt contains 2200 lb (998 kg) tensile strength aircraft cables
Marine-grade double stitched upholstery
Heavy-duty European-styled cushions
5995.29 USD