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Screen Recorder for Windows Single License
Product Description
Joyoshare Screen Recorder for Windows is an all-featured video capture that can record any desktop activity including self-demonstration, lectures, live chat, webinars, podcasts, video games, streaming movies, Skype calls, webcam videos on your computer with original quality. It allows you select recording area and save recorded files into MP4, AVI, FLV, SWF, WMV, MP3, AAC, WAV, etc. as well as most popular mobile devices like Apple iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, game consoles, smart TVs, and so on. In addition, you can create scheduled recording tasks by setting the start and end time, highlight cursor and clicks, identify recording shortcuts, edit ID3 tags in the way you like. With this professional screen recording solution, you can make video tutorials, capture games, record music, grab online videos, take screencasts, etc. with ease. Key Features of Joyoshare Screen Recorder for Windows: 1. Record any desktop video and audio activity on PC; 2. Capture online video, streaming music, lectures, games, chats, webcam, webinars, etc; 3. Record and save video & audio in MP4, AVI, FLV, MP3, AAC, and other common formats; 4. Take screenshots during recording; 5. Create customized shortcuts and scheduled tasks.
29.95 USD