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Sheet to Calendar Evento - Monthly Corporate
Sold and Delivered by - SHIHANKHAN
Product Description
Get your thousands of events created in a press of a button! Evento is an add-on for google spreadsheets that takes details of events from a sheet and create events with the given details in google calendar.
Main Features:
*** Create events in a bulk from google spreadsheets to google calendar!
*** Auto update in Google Calendar upon changing details of an event in Google Spreadsheet!
*** Integrate with Google Form for automatically create events for each form submission!
*** Supports all available Time-zones of the World to perfectly adjust with the Google Calendar!
*** Modify Reminder Timers for events!
*** Create All day events & Multi All day events in bulk!
Designed for any-scaled Event Management. Can be used for personal or professional use.
Have a question or facing any technical difficulties? Contact me:
Please rate the add-on 5 stars if you liked it! Be Eventful!
25 USD