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Solicitations: Essays on Criticism & Culture
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Product Description
Essays on Criticism & Culture
by Louis Armand
ISBN 80-239-5045-2. 331pp, includes index.
Published: September 2005
The topics addressed in these essays range from laissez-faire economics and the state of contemporary culture, to the foundations of ethical philosophy. Commencing with an analysis of the rhetoric of "crisis," Armand poses questions of central concern to the future of criticism and the institutions of knowledge. Focusing upon the role of technology in re-shaping the structures of human experience, language and cultural practice, this collection of essays offers a broad, yet focused and sustained, critique of the legacies of modernity and beyond.
Adopting the critical paradigm of solicitation, Armand demonstrates how structure is perceived through an incidence of crisis, and that these crises are pervasive in human experience.
The essays included in this volume address the work of writers, philosophers, artists, as well as broader issues of history, futurity and the digital age. Jacques Derrida, James Joyce, Immanuel Kant, Walter Benjamin, Karl Jaspers are read alongside Buckminster Fuller, Julia Kristeva, Rosalind Krauss, Marshal McLuhan, John Dewey, as well as recent and contemporary artists like John Cage, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Cy Twombly, Brett Whitely, Michael Dransfield, John Kinsella and Pierre Daguin.
Louis Armand is director of the InterCultural Studies programme in the Philosophy Faculty of Charles University, Prague. His books include Solicitations: Essays on Criticism & Culture; Techne: James Joyce, Hypertext & Technology; and Incendiary Devices: Discourses of the Other.
6.76 USD