The Power of Delegation

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Product Description

Delegating is one of the more under-used strategies, which is unfortunate, because it is much more powerful and useful than most think. Not only does effective delegation "make more time in the day" for managers and supervisors, but it also can be used to: Develop staff skills for use within their positions Extend employee understanding of the context in which the manager works, and the restrictions placed upon him or her overcoming the hierarchical barriers between management and line employees that come about as a result of insufficient knowledge. Develop employees for potential promotion. Assist in career development and succession strategies. Recognize employee contributions, demonstrate with acts, not just words that the manager sees the employee as trustworthy and skilled. However delegating only has positive benefits when it's done properly, and there are some subtle aspects that are often ignored. Most managers can increase the productivity of their work units, reduce their own workloads, and develop their employees and organizations by harnessing the power of delegation. Unfortunately, many supervisors, managers and leaders are either uncomfortable with "giving up tasks", or, worse, delegate in ways that simply don't work, or backfire. Delegation works when it is done properly. Learn to delegate effectively through this short, concise and to-the-point helpcard.

9.95 USD

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