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The Responsive Manager/Leader LearnBytes
Sold and Delivered by - BACALASSOCIATES
Product Description
Why do some managers and leaders inspire loyalty and effort above and beyond the call in their employees?
It's not magic, and probably the answer isn't simple, but here's one piece of the puzzle. Those "special leaders and managers in business" tend to show a behavioral trait called responsiveness. They tend to interact with employees in ways that make them feel valued, wanted, and listened to. The good news is that becoming more responsive isn't difficult provided you are willing to assess your own behaviors, particularly how you interact and communicate with people around you.
The Responsive Manager Helpcard will provide you with the basic information to increase your responsiveness, and thus your ability to lead others. That means, simply that employees will work harder on your behalf.
What's included?
What is responsive management?
Where psychological and work related needs fit?
The core element - withitness
Barriers to responsiveness
The responsive manager's creed
The responsive manager's checklist
Here's a quote from the actual card:
Successful managers and leaders become and remain successful by creating trust and respect between themselves, their staff, colleagues and their own bosses.
They do this by acquiring and using a set of skills, attitudes and abilities that are called "The Responsiveness Skill Set". The responsive manager is able to lead more effectively, because s/he is perceived as concerned about the welfare and success of others.
9.95 USD