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Transparent underbust corset OM-corsets Classic Black
Sold and Delivered by - OM-CORSETS
Product Description
Everyone is used to the fact that a corset is for a special occasion, a holiday or an evening dress … In fact, our customers wear it every day. ⠀ While admiring a passing woman, you can’t even imagine that she is wearing a corset. And who thinks about it? ⠀ It may be a discovery for you that:
corset is very comfortable to wear, never rubs anywhere does not give to overeat removes up to 10 cm at the waist instantly! suitable for casual wear keep your posture makes any set of lingerie insanely eroticAnd who thought up that we can feel like queens only on holidays?
Transparent underbust corset “OM-corsets Classic Black” made from soft light mesh. Flesh-colored open-mesh fabric creates the effect of transparent lightness on a body. 12-18 spiral steel bones (depends on waist size) and 6 flatbed bones. Waist reduction: 10-15 cm.
300 USD