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uFR Reader/Writer 13.56MHz Mifare programmer, Free SDK Linux/Win
Sold and Delivered by - D-LOGIC
Product Description
Product Features
uFR Mifare® card reader and writer connects to a computer's USB port. Also the software support for programming languages with examples for cards programming from simplest to complex, is copied to the computer from the provided media and without any extra installation through the system, the device is ready for operation.
Package Contents: 1 UFR Mifare card programmer 1 USB cable 3 Mifare 1K cards 1 CD containing free software - uFR Examples for Mifare cards programming in Java, Java Applet, JavaScript, Lazarus, Delphi, C + + Builder, Microsoft® Visual C + +, Net, Microsoft® Visual C #, Microsoft® Visual - uFR Card Formatter - for independent Mifare card programming
Mifare ISO/IEC 14443
The uFR software contains the library for working with: Java, Java Applet, JavaScript, Lazarus, Delphi, C + + Builder, Microsoft® Visual C + +. Net, Microsoft® Visual C #, Microsoft® Visual, so that developers that are using any of these languages has an opportunity to protect their applications, to create new identification systems or even to use the Mifare® card for secure transmission of data limited with memory capacity of the Mifare® card. Ideas and creativity of the user are the limits for this device application.
According to the API specification, uFR has the following features that were implemented to work with four basic methods of authentication and cards reading and writing: - emulation of a linear address space with Mifare card, - direct access block for reading and writing, - indirect block access to the sector by combining the card and also blocks the sector for reading and writing, - decrement and increment block value for read and write 4 byte values, - linear card format where for the entire ID card sets unique keys and bits of access, - enrollment sector trailer blocks on the cards, - which facilitates the calculation of the of bytes value containing access bits.
Technical Details:
- Mifare compilant
- USB device
- Free card coding software
- FTDI drivers
65.06 USD