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Sold and Delivered by - DOLMEN-DEADSEAPRODUCTS
Product Description
Natural Dead Sea Salts for the body and feet are 10 times more concentrated than other Sea salts. These salts are enriched with Dead Sea Minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium, bromine, sulfur- to name a few!) They clean, moisturize, soothe, nourish, and stimulate cell replenishment. Aromatic Dead Sea Salts heal cuts and are recommended for such skin conditions as: eczema, Psoriasis Treatment, scaly skin, allergic irritations, seborrhea, and skin rashes. Aromatic Dead Sea Salts can be to soothe swollen feet and relieve athleteâs foot. In the bath, the salts relieve muscle tension and leave the body feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Aromatic Bath Salts are available in several fragrances: natural, lavender, chamomile and aloe vera
25 USD